We'll return to the Thursday Style Profile next week. But for now, it's TGIF!
One thing I've always meant to do (in between PTA meetings, dinner fixings and client 911s) is to stack my shoes in those clear plastic boxes--with the Polaroid picture affixed on the front, just like you see when they profile a socialite in Bazaar.
I just discovered the ones I've been searching for at Ikea. They are practically perfect. White shoe boxes with a flap down lid and clear window for easy viewing (and big enough for men's shoes, too!). Finally: no more searching for the other black shoe for an hour in the bottom of your closet.
Best of all: they are 4 for $9.99. Organization, cheap!
If you don't have a Polaroid, you can also print out digital photos onto labels (list brand, color, size), or, what the heck, just write it on the box with a Sharpie, sans photo.
Have a great weekend!
Joyce Neave style group
Friday, August 31, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Wednesday Q&A: The Little (Black?) Dress
Q from Elizabeth:I am tired of feeling like the unstylish, disheveled mom when I pick up my twins from school. I keep seeing these cute short dressed in the stores, but how is a mother of two little boys supposed to wear these without feeling silly?
A from Joyce: First, take it easy on yourself. You have twins. That's not twice the work, it's about quadruple. As for the dresses, be not afraid: these little dresses, which are everywhere right now, will become your best friend. For starters, it's one-piece dressing, which will simplify your dressing routine.
A shift dress has a straight cut from shoulders to your knee (hiding mid section bumps and bulges), creating a sleek straight torso. Look for one with three-quarter sleeves-it will slim your arm and by showing arm you will create a longer silhouette. Try pairing with dark tights (they will thin the appearance of your legs) and a cute pair of flats–with this look you will feel great and be able to keep up with your children (and look smashing--just ask the other moms!).
Have a style question? Email me and your Q&A could be next!
A from Joyce: First, take it easy on yourself. You have twins. That's not twice the work, it's about quadruple. As for the dresses, be not afraid: these little dresses, which are everywhere right now, will become your best friend. For starters, it's one-piece dressing, which will simplify your dressing routine.
A shift dress has a straight cut from shoulders to your knee (hiding mid section bumps and bulges), creating a sleek straight torso. Look for one with three-quarter sleeves-it will slim your arm and by showing arm you will create a longer silhouette. Try pairing with dark tights (they will thin the appearance of your legs) and a cute pair of flats–with this look you will feel great and be able to keep up with your children (and look smashing--just ask the other moms!).
Have a style question? Email me and your Q&A could be next!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
My Closet: The Tools Within

Here is my list of must-haves:
Match Sticks double stick tape (definitely the best brand out there)
Shoe polish (also good for scratches in your table!)
Safety pins (self explanatory)
Thread and needle (you probably have 50 hotel sets of these in your linen closet)
Scholl Party Feet - Invisible Gel Heel Cushions (again, the best I've found: they're washable and clear so discreet even in the strappiest of shoes)
The Original Gal Pal Garment Deodorant Remover (just buy a bunch and have them on hand--available at the Container Store)
Baby wipes (key for stain removal and odor removal, too).
Masking tape (for taping the bottom of model's shoes for the runway--you don't think they would just let them wear $600 shoes without taking precautions, do you?).
Just take them all, throw it in a makeup bag, and keep it in your car, your desk drawer, wherever you go, and you'll always be perfectly put together (or be able to fake it in a pinch!).
Monday, August 27, 2007
This Week's Event: FREEDOM!
As the alarm goes off before the sun rises a smile comes over my face.
Yes, today is the First Day of School.
After a long and wonderful summer, our little dears are heading back to the Land of The Learned, where teachers rule and moms get back to the business of whatever it is that they have needed to do but couldn’t all summer.
For me, it's the beauty of leaving for work in the morning and returning to a clean house (that is, until the children come piling in dropping bookbags in search of snacks and remote controls). It is truly the most wonderful time of year.
So once the kids have left the house, take a few moments for yourself. Whether it's three minutes to serenely sip some coffee before making a mad dash to the office (blame your lateness on the school buses), or heading to Starbucks after dropping them off yourself, or organizing a few things in your closet before tackling the summer's worth of tracked-in dirt on your carpet (or finally making that phone call to me!), just take a moment all for yourself, and relish in the freedom. And the quiet. It's a moment very much deserved.
Friday, August 24, 2007
That Mom Recommends: String Torture

As the tears slid down my cheeks, I vowed never to go back to that evil woman again. They actually use sewing thread to rip out your hair! (The process involves a twisted piece of thread that picks up and removes each hair to create a really precise hairline).
But over the next few days I found myself admiring my once patchy eyebrows, now looking fabulous with great high arches (and no wax burns, or without me trying to even up my brows and completely overdoing it).
My goodness, this woman is a genius.
So, now once every few weeks I muster up the courage and walk thru that Red Door and come out feeling just gorgeous.
Elizabeth Arden
10213 Old Georgetown Rd
Bethesda, MD 20814
5225 Wisconsin Avenue
Washington, DC
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Sited: Christina Hendricks of DC Mom

Name: Christina Hendricks
Occupation: Website owner, go DCmom.com!, IT Consultant and Mom
Children: I have three very active kids – two girls that are 9 and 7 and one boy who is 5 who always seem to be asking or talking to me at exactly the same time!
What's your "uniform?” I’m a big fan of killer jeans and a great black t-shirt. Always looks good and in today’s world there is only a slim chance that you may be underdressed.
What is your secret fashion sin? I have a couple of completely threadbare t-shirts from back in the day…they are hideous and are advertising completely inappropriate places to drink beer but darn are they comfortable!
What's your favorite current fashion bargain? I scour sales racks at almost any place I am in…so that’s how I amass my bargains. I also think one of the greatest bargains ever is Jergens Natural Glow moisturizer. Ok, it’s not clothing, but it really keeps that pasty look at bay and anytime you have a bit of color even a bargain looks like a million bucks.
What's your favorite fashion splurge? I go crazy every time I am up in NYC and buy lots of Bond fragrances – Chelsea Flowers is one of my favorites. TSE Cashmere hoodies are great too – except my oldest daughter constantly steals them from me!
What are your favorite stores? Barneys, Bloomies, Saks and the local DC boutiques like Alex, Periwinkle and more. Plus, a trip to Forever 21 or Loehmann’s (what can I say, I am a diehard) always seems to turn up something.
What do you see as your biggest shopping challenge? Finding time to shop without children! My kids are always with me, so the challenge is figuring out what’s the best bribe for that day to keep them quiet and content while I shop. Plus my seven year fashionista has a strong opinion about everything I try on in front of her – which is both good and bad since I try not to dress like the tween idol she would like me to look like!
What’s your beauty secret? I wear tons of sunscreen. I happen to love Kiehl’s Facial Moisturizer, it is awesome and keeps the sun blocked all day, slather it on and you don’t have to think about it again. It’s what climbers use when they scale Mt. Everest, so I figure it’s good enough for the car pool lane.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Wednesday Q&A: Catty in the Classroom
Q from Anon: My daughter's school is a bit, ahem, competitive amongst the mommies. I volunteer there one day a week. Jeans aren't an option, but I need to be in something that will look at least a bit chic--while dealing with 4 year olds and their craft projects. Advice?
A from Joyce: I'm a fan of tunics as an easy fix—they fit and flatter, are not too dressy but always look put-together, and it's a classic cut that always looks age appropriate (and, truth be told, a patterned one will hide stains well!). While jeans in their normal state may not be acceptable, a dark, dressier pair would fit the bill—Ernest Sewn makesa great pair, the Decca.93.
Next, scout out the flats that are everywhere this fall—from TRB's new quilted Revas to the Abaete Lenox flat from Payless (for $25)! And, most importantly, don't forget your lipstick to tie it all together (spend some time at your favorite counter or drugstore and find your perfect red now: red is the new…red for fall!).
Have a style dilemma? Email me your question and maybe you'll be next Wednesday's Q&A!
A from Joyce: I'm a fan of tunics as an easy fix—they fit and flatter, are not too dressy but always look put-together, and it's a classic cut that always looks age appropriate (and, truth be told, a patterned one will hide stains well!). While jeans in their normal state may not be acceptable, a dark, dressier pair would fit the bill—Ernest Sewn makesa great pair, the Decca.93.
Next, scout out the flats that are everywhere this fall—from TRB's new quilted Revas to the Abaete Lenox flat from Payless (for $25)! And, most importantly, don't forget your lipstick to tie it all together (spend some time at your favorite counter or drugstore and find your perfect red now: red is the new…red for fall!).
Have a style dilemma? Email me your question and maybe you'll be next Wednesday's Q&A!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Dripping in Sweats
Here's a little insight into my closet...
It never fails, the day you leave your house dressed in sweats you run into someone you haven’t seen in years (yup, that would be my college boyfriend). The only consolation was that I was wearing makeup.
I usually just wear sweatpants at home or en route to the gym--at least that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Though one way I keep my good clothes looking new longer is by changing into sweats when I get home for the evening (yes, Mr. Rogers was right: it was that cardy that kept the rest of his wardrobe in tiptop shape for 30 years, I'm sure!).
Juicy is my favorite: terry in the summer, velour in the winter (good thing they just opened one new outpost in VA, with another on the way in Georgetown). They have a Henley Dress out for fall that's just gorgeous and comfy as well.
I am sure my husband thinks I wear my sweats all day, everyday (though the fact that he tends not to notice the details-or rather that he doesn't sweat them, is one reason why we're such a perfect pair!).
Monday, August 20, 2007
West Elm Opens Downtown!

Check out their closet organizational pieces--for the gorgeous closet of a Park Ave Social without the Madison Ave price tag (the downside is that these particular items are only available online at the moment).
West Elm
1020 G Street, NW (the old Woodies Building)
Washington, DC 20001
Friday, August 17, 2007
That Mom Recommends...
The two things I always recommend right off the bat are to get a new bra and get a great tailor.
In downtown Bethesda, my recommendation for the later is Mr. Lee at Super Cleaners USA on Hampden Lane. He does original hems (where they move the original hem on your jeans up, instead of sewing a new one that never quite matches), a great French cuff, and has saved my clients (and me!) thousands by reworking out-of-date dresses, suits and pants.
He's quick, accurate and friendly to boot (and did I mention his great work with boot cuts?).
Best of all, parking is easy and they do a great job dry cleaning as well.
Mr. Lee at Super Cleaners USA
4906 Hampden Lane
Bethesda, MD 20814
Do you have a spa, a mani/pedi place, a restaurant, a gym or any other fabulous, practical place you'd like to recommend in the DC/MD/VA area? Please email me and maybe you and your recommendation will be featured next!
In downtown Bethesda, my recommendation for the later is Mr. Lee at Super Cleaners USA on Hampden Lane. He does original hems (where they move the original hem on your jeans up, instead of sewing a new one that never quite matches), a great French cuff, and has saved my clients (and me!) thousands by reworking out-of-date dresses, suits and pants.
He's quick, accurate and friendly to boot (and did I mention his great work with boot cuts?).
Best of all, parking is easy and they do a great job dry cleaning as well.
Mr. Lee at Super Cleaners USA
4906 Hampden Lane
Bethesda, MD 20814
Do you have a spa, a mani/pedi place, a restaurant, a gym or any other fabulous, practical place you'd like to recommend in the DC/MD/VA area? Please email me and maybe you and your recommendation will be featured next!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Styling and Profiling: Mary Amons

Name: Mary Schmidt Amons
Occupation: Mom, wife, and founder of Labels for Love, Inc.
Children: 5 (!)
Your "uniform”: In summer, it's tennis wear, because I'm usually running around all day, with little time to focus on my outift. When I’m working or want to dress comfortably, I tend to gravitate to my favorite pair of jeans (skinnies this past year), always boots in the winter (my shoe collection tends to be more summer/spring focused due to my boot fetish) and a cool top with some funky jewelry to add some style.
Your secret fashion sin: (eg., do you still wear scrunchies when you think no one is looking? Any one thing in your closet you can’t bear to throw out, fashion police be damned?) I asked for my husband’s opinion on this (never a good idea when actually looking for what you want to hear!). He called me out on my comfy jammie pants that I have had for years (all 5 rotating pairs from Scoop, each a different color (faded and a little saggy in the rear now)…he mistakenly takes it as a subliminal message that there’s no shot.
Favorite current fashion bargain: I have found some very cool pieces at Forever 21, while shopping with my daughter. Good, one season t’s and basics. I also was bummed when C-Mart decided to open another location, and everyone figured out the secret. I have found some amazing top designer bargains there. Bluefly and Yoox are two favorite websites, as well as my twice-weekly dose of Shop It to Me.
Favorite fashion splurge: Boots – all styles! Henry Beguelin, Chloe, Martin Margiela, Dries Van Noten are my favorites.
Favorite stores: Alex Boutique, Barneys, Muleh, Relish, and all of the fabulous boutiques that support the District Sample Sale! They are all amazing, and DC is so fortunate to have access to great shopping, and fabulous store owners who offer personal attention and fashionable advice!
Biggest shopping challenge: Avoiding impulse buying, as well as gravitating to the same pieces that already exist in my closet. I have learned to stay away from the 3 week old Last Call racks at Neimans. It only gets me into trouble. A good friend gave me a piece of advice once: if its on the sale rack, it's there for a reason. I’m getting more realistic in being able to recognize a real bargain, but who doesn’t love a deal?
Beauty secret: Besides botox? (it’s rid me of migraines, so it’s a medical necessity now!) It's staying active, playing tennis, laughing with my kids, eating healthy (raw, when I can), drinking good wine (a must!), wearing proper sunscreen, getting away with my husband, and most importantly, nurturing my inner spirit, as it is directly reflected on the outside.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Wednesday Q&A: The Balancing Act
Every Wednesday I'll answer your style questions. Here's the first installment...
Q from Merle: So, here's my issue. I am big busted and short waisted. Do you have any suggestions to allude to a longer mid section? Sometimes I feel my bust is resting on my waist. HELP! And it doesn't help matters that I am short, too.
A from Joyce: Merle, you are not alone—this is one of the most common questions I come across. The goal is to divide the space between your chest and waist and balance out your proportions.
A good bra is key, though I would take it one step past just "great support" and go for one in the "push up" category (see a good article here).
Overall, structured clothes that fit close to your body (not tight) will draw out your silhouette. On top, scoop necks or a V that isn't too plunging will flatter without over-emphasizing your assets, while bringing the eye up to your face and neck adding inches to your frame. A one-button jacket fitting right below the bustline will also create a longer midsection.
As for your waist, there are a whole crop of mid-rise pants and jeans out for fall, which give a lower waist that's actually wearable. A boot cut or wide legged cut (with heels of course!) will elongate your legs and create more balance.
Finally, I can't emphasize this enough--retrain your posture. All of us, with the exception of perhaps Gwyneth Paltrow, could improve this. And when you're large-chested, slouching is an almost inevitable habit. "Chest out, shoulders back" is flattering on everyone, and will divide your assets up, making both look smaller.
Email your question to me at joyce@bethatmom.com and maybe you'll be next week's recipient of on-the-house That Mom advice!
Q from Merle: So, here's my issue. I am big busted and short waisted. Do you have any suggestions to allude to a longer mid section? Sometimes I feel my bust is resting on my waist. HELP! And it doesn't help matters that I am short, too.
A from Joyce: Merle, you are not alone—this is one of the most common questions I come across. The goal is to divide the space between your chest and waist and balance out your proportions.
A good bra is key, though I would take it one step past just "great support" and go for one in the "push up" category (see a good article here).
Overall, structured clothes that fit close to your body (not tight) will draw out your silhouette. On top, scoop necks or a V that isn't too plunging will flatter without over-emphasizing your assets, while bringing the eye up to your face and neck adding inches to your frame. A one-button jacket fitting right below the bustline will also create a longer midsection.
As for your waist, there are a whole crop of mid-rise pants and jeans out for fall, which give a lower waist that's actually wearable. A boot cut or wide legged cut (with heels of course!) will elongate your legs and create more balance.
Finally, I can't emphasize this enough--retrain your posture. All of us, with the exception of perhaps Gwyneth Paltrow, could improve this. And when you're large-chested, slouching is an almost inevitable habit. "Chest out, shoulders back" is flattering on everyone, and will divide your assets up, making both look smaller.
Email your question to me at joyce@bethatmom.com and maybe you'll be next week's recipient of on-the-house That Mom advice!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Questions Besides "Why Mommy? Why?"
(...and answers besides "Because I'm the Mommy, that's why.")
One of my services is the "Dressing Room 911". It can happen at any time of the day (though peak times are usually between 11-2 and then again between 6-8), and it can happen from any location (home, store, I've even taken one from a car).
It's the "HEEEEEELP!!!" call--where a mom is holed up in a dressing room, unable to make a buy/not buy decision, or in her closet and has no idea what to wear to a party, an interview, a big important meeting (the car call was a shoe dilemma).
So now I offer you a bit of that gratis. Email me your style questions, or post them in the comments, and I'll post them and respond here.
You don't get the benefit of a 30-second response time, but you will get some straightshooting advice on the house!
One of my services is the "Dressing Room 911". It can happen at any time of the day (though peak times are usually between 11-2 and then again between 6-8), and it can happen from any location (home, store, I've even taken one from a car).
It's the "HEEEEEELP!!!" call--where a mom is holed up in a dressing room, unable to make a buy/not buy decision, or in her closet and has no idea what to wear to a party, an interview, a big important meeting (the car call was a shoe dilemma).
So now I offer you a bit of that gratis. Email me your style questions, or post them in the comments, and I'll post them and respond here.
You don't get the benefit of a 30-second response time, but you will get some straightshooting advice on the house!
Friday, August 10, 2007
District Sample Sale
...no three chicer words have ever crossed my lips!
First, truth in advertising: I'm on the host committee for this season (called the Haute Committee, no less! I'm so thrilled to play a role in this year's event!).
All that fashion, all those discounts, in one giant warehouse! As stylist and avid clothes collector, the mere mention of this
incredible event makes my heart beat faster. And the fact that it raises funds for great causes (this season, it's Miriam's House), makes it even better.
This is your chance to own all those quality basics I always recommend, as well as the hot fashionable pieces you want to add
into your wardrobe without breaking your piggy bank.
Okay, now that I have you salivating, see the participating stores below:

…and I haven't even mentioned the drinks (including Snow Queen Martinis!). And hors d'oeuvres (from Nage, Renaissance M Street and Occasions). And music (from Eric Hilton and Frederico Aubele). And afterparty (at Morton's brand new bar, 1221). And the raffle (always phenomenal).
See you there (I'll be the one with all the overflowing shopping bags).
First, truth in advertising: I'm on the host committee for this season (called the Haute Committee, no less! I'm so thrilled to play a role in this year's event!).
All that fashion, all those discounts, in one giant warehouse! As stylist and avid clothes collector, the mere mention of this
incredible event makes my heart beat faster. And the fact that it raises funds for great causes (this season, it's Miriam's House), makes it even better.
This is your chance to own all those quality basics I always recommend, as well as the hot fashionable pieces you want to add
into your wardrobe without breaking your piggy bank.
Okay, now that I have you salivating, see the participating stores below:

…and I haven't even mentioned the drinks (including Snow Queen Martinis!). And hors d'oeuvres (from Nage, Renaissance M Street and Occasions). And music (from Eric Hilton and Frederico Aubele). And afterparty (at Morton's brand new bar, 1221). And the raffle (always phenomenal).
See you there (I'll be the one with all the overflowing shopping bags).
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Think Fall!

In last month's issue of Bethesda Magazine, I shared my list of top shopping strategies. Here it is, with a few extra pointers:
1. Go out, right now, and get a new bra. It is amazing what a difference it will make. Chantelle is my go-to brand of choice.
2. Make a shopping list: literally go through your closet, think about what you're missing, and write it down. Focusing will make your shopping trip so much more productive.
3. Tailor the clothes you already have. Shorten a skirt, take in that jacket that's just a bit too big and boxy, tweak the legs on your favorite but outdated pants. Voila! New wardrobe.
4. Leave the children at home. As much as we love our little dears-shop without them, lest you come home with a sweater you don't love but it was close enough and it was time for a new diaper.
5. When you find the perfect jeans-buy two pairs. One boot/heel length and one for flats. Sounds extravagant, but not if you wear them every day.
6. Make careful investments. Buy quality timeless pieces that will last. Even if it's just one great thing a season, do it.
7. Resole worn shoes and keep them clean and polished. A trashed pair of heels can kill a an otherwise perfect ensemble.
Let me know how you do!
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