Name: Christina Hendricks
Occupation: Website owner, go DCmom.com!, IT Consultant and Mom
Children: I have three very active kids – two girls that are 9 and 7 and one boy who is 5 who always seem to be asking or talking to me at exactly the same time!
What's your "uniform?” I’m a big fan of killer jeans and a great black t-shirt. Always looks good and in today’s world there is only a slim chance that you may be underdressed.
What is your secret fashion sin? I have a couple of completely threadbare t-shirts from back in the day…they are hideous and are advertising completely inappropriate places to drink beer but darn are they comfortable!
What's your favorite current fashion bargain? I scour sales racks at almost any place I am in…so that’s how I amass my bargains. I also think one of the greatest bargains ever is Jergens Natural Glow moisturizer. Ok, it’s not clothing, but it really keeps that pasty look at bay and anytime you have a bit of color even a bargain looks like a million bucks.
What's your favorite fashion splurge? I go crazy every time I am up in NYC and buy lots of Bond fragrances – Chelsea Flowers is one of my favorites. TSE Cashmere hoodies are great too – except my oldest daughter constantly steals them from me!
What are your favorite stores? Barneys, Bloomies, Saks and the local DC boutiques like Alex, Periwinkle and more. Plus, a trip to Forever 21 or Loehmann’s (what can I say, I am a diehard) always seems to turn up something.
What do you see as your biggest shopping challenge? Finding time to shop without children! My kids are always with me, so the challenge is figuring out what’s the best bribe for that day to keep them quiet and content while I shop. Plus my seven year fashionista has a strong opinion about everything I try on in front of her – which is both good and bad since I try not to dress like the tween idol she would like me to look like!
What’s your beauty secret? I wear tons of sunscreen. I happen to love Kiehl’s Facial Moisturizer, it is awesome and keeps the sun blocked all day, slather it on and you don’t have to think about it again. It’s what climbers use when they scale Mt. Everest, so I figure it’s good enough for the car pool lane.