First, truth in advertising: I'm on the host committee for this season (called the Haute Committee, no less! I'm so thrilled to play a role in this year's event!).
All that fashion, all those discounts, in one giant warehouse! As stylist and avid clothes collector, the mere mention of this
incredible event makes my heart beat faster. And the fact that it raises funds for great causes (this season, it's Miriam's House), makes it even better.
This is your chance to own all those quality basics I always recommend, as well as the hot fashionable pieces you want to add
into your wardrobe without breaking your piggy bank.
Okay, now that I have you salivating, see the participating stores below:

…and I haven't even mentioned the drinks (including Snow Queen Martinis!). And hors d'oeuvres (from Nage, Renaissance M Street and Occasions). And music (from Eric Hilton and Frederico Aubele). And afterparty (at Morton's brand new bar, 1221). And the raffle (always phenomenal).
See you there (I'll be the one with all the overflowing shopping bags).