As the alarm goes off before the sun rises a smile comes over my face.
Yes, today is the First Day of School.
After a long and wonderful summer, our little dears are heading back to the Land of The Learned, where teachers rule and moms get back to the business of whatever it is that they have needed to do but couldn’t all summer.
For me, it's the beauty of leaving for work in the morning and returning to a clean house (that is, until the children come piling in dropping bookbags in search of snacks and remote controls). It is truly the most wonderful time of year.
So once the kids have left the house, take a few moments for yourself. Whether it's three minutes to serenely sip some coffee before making a mad dash to the office (blame your lateness on the school buses), or heading to Starbucks after dropping them off yourself, or organizing a few things in your closet before tackling the summer's worth of tracked-in dirt on your carpet (or finally making that phone call to me!), just take a moment all for yourself, and relish in the freedom. And the quiet. It's a moment very much deserved.