Name: Michelle Jaconi
Occupation: Producer & Political Analyst, Meet the Press
Children: 1 full of pluck, Miss Kylie Kathryn, 7 months-old
What's your "uniform?” Black leggings (machine washable and one of the few styles of pants that fit me as I am 6 feet tall), ballet flats (I love heels, but the joke is that I can’t turn left if I wear heels, as my legs barely fit under the steering wheel as it is), and a crisp white shirt (who has time to iron? I buy a men’s shirt and throw it in with my husband’s dry cleaning and nothing gives you the illusion of being put together more than lip gloss and a little starch).
What is your secret fashion sin? I break out my Uggs from high school at the first sign of snow. My friends say they stand for “ugg-ly” but despite their short-lived East coast trend, as a California-native, I will always love them (despite their winter practicality, they are surfer girl favorites). So they do double duty.
What's your favorite current fashion bargain? I got Nine West flats that are such superb Chanel knock offs that my husband is irritated he bought me the real ones for Christmas (I save his for fancy occasions, and use mine for the spit-up-filled day-to-day).
What's your favorite fashion splurge? Two words, many meanings: Louis Vuitton.
What are your favorite stores? I am a stationery & accessory junkie, so I love Room with a View and Proper Topper in Georgetown. And, as a nursing mom, Nordstrom is my new favorite place in the world (why other stores do not copy their brilliant design/marketing concept is beyond me.) From their cafĂ©, to the soft lighting in the women’s lounge, I referred to the store as my “office” when I was on maternity leave (it was too cold in January to go anywhere else). It became my “mother’s circle” as all the savvy new moms were there week after week, so we got to know each other & share advice. There was even a pediatrician who was a regular, and who would answer all our questions! Long live Nordie’s!
What do you see as your biggest shopping challenge? Finding pants that fit. And as much as I would think this would be something peculiar to my 6 foot tall frame, I find that very few people wear pants (and jeans!) that fit well. So, we all need a good tailor (and I need clothes companies to leave more hems).
What's your beauty secret? Smile.