I have never worn them.
At the time of purchase, I was so mesmerized by their coolness that I didn't even realize they were too wide for my feet.
So now what? Just give them away? Keep them on my shelf and just admire them?
This is a dilemma we all face, whether its shoes, tops, dresses, men….
Here are a few options:
1.) Host a clothing swap. invite 10 friends over for cocktails and shopping. Have each person bring 10 in-season items that are in good shape (read: no yellowed T-shirts..). Items that they would wear if they fit, or they weren't sick of them, or they bought but, say, didn't realize that they were too wide. Trade away.
2.) Have a sale. Consignment shops, Craig's List, Ebay, even the Washington Post classifieds are options for good designer clothing that needs a good home.
3.) Suit up for charity. Professional suiting is always needed for charities such as Suited for Change--but note that 90% of their clients are sized 16 or higher, so call to see what their current needs are first.
4.) Pay it forward: drop it off at the Salvation Army, for some stylish but strapped 22 year old Hill staffer to find and cherish (while helping a good cause at the same time!).
As for Ms. Sanver and her red suede fabulousness, they went to a friend who I knew had been eyeing them (and whose feet were a perfect match). And now I have room on my shelf for a new even cooler pair of shoes that will actually fit.