Here's a bit of insight into her style philosophy...
Name: Mary-Frances Wain
Occupation: Nonprofit Consultant
Children: 1, Sam, age 2
What's your "uniform?”I am an anti-uniform person, but if I have to answer that question it would definitely involve pants and a jacket, but not necessarily a suit, for business. Always heels, even though I’m almost six feet tall. For non-business occasions, just about anything goes..except for jeans and sneakers!
What is your secret fashion sin? Hmmm…I probably wear shoes waaay too long…after they have lived a long and fruitful life, I still will drag them out of the closet, when it is clear they need to be retired.
What's your favorite current fashion bargain? I love H&M and Zara…and have just discovered drugstore.com!!!
What's your favorite fashion splurge? Again, my thoughts run to shoes. (Editor's note: I can TOTALLY vouch for that. Prada comes to mind...)
What are your favorite stores? I love Nana on U Street. Jackie, the owner, is adorable. And, Sarah, knows my style – even if I don’t – and calls or emails when something comes in that I might like. Smart girl!
What do you see as your biggest shopping challenge? Again, almost six feet tall…finding pants that are long enough!!!
What’s your beauty secret? Dove soap.