Donna Hamaker, woman extraordinaire. What do you say about a woman that makes life look so easy? She's a great mom, successful business woman, true friend, and life saving volunteer!
This year Donna is up for the title of Woman of the Year by Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
Name: Donna HamakerOccupation: Realtor for KDH Real Estate in Arlington, VA (I used to be the
Public Relations Director for Bloomingdale’s – so I appreciate fashion!)
Children: Sarah (24), Meredith (21) & Stephen (19)
What's your "uniform?”A tailored black suit, off white tank and a oversized asymetrical pearl and silver necklace. Hands down.
What is your secret fashion sin ?
Yoga pants and the softest James Perse tee in the whole world.
What's your favorite current fashion bargain?
Fun summer jewelry.
What's your favorite fashion splurge?
A beautiful gown for black-tie galas.
What are your favorite stores?
Bloomingdale’s (of course!) and Lettie Gooch for fashion, Target for function.
What do you see as your biggest shopping challenge?
Finding clothes that skim the body but don’t cling – too much information is not a good thing!
What’s your beauty secret?
Find a great colorist for your hair. If your hair color truly complements your skin color and then you add subtle amounts of highlights and lowlights, it will make all the difference.
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