Holiday Art and Craft Sale
To benefit stillbirth research and prevention
The majority of stillbirth deaths are at or near full-term (37+ weeks) and no cause or risk factors are ever found. Stillbirth, the death of an infant in-utero and past 20 completed gestational weeks, claims more than 26,000 babies in the United States each year. It is the leading cause of infant death in the U.S. Stillbirth cuts across socio-economic classes, races, religions, body types and maternal age groups. No woman is immune. Research on causes and prevention is desperately needed. Researchers have just begun delving into the causes for stillbirth (how is it that stillbirth has gone unstudied for so long?), and with financial support from First Candle, could do even more to prevent more unnecessary losses like Allan's.Saturday, December 12th
11:00 - 4:00 p.m
1204 Prospect Street
Takoma Park MD
Hand-made items by local artists
- Jewelry for adults and kids
- Baby toys, slings, and nursing covers
- Home-made candies
- Nature Prints (Sligo Creek & more)
- Holiday gifts and ornaments
Buy raffle tickets and learn about our sponsors
Enjoy a cozy setting with cookies and apple cider. Enter a raffle featuring donations from local businesses (drawing at 4:00 p.m.). All raffle proceeds and a portion of all sales will go to support research and prevention of stillbirth through First Candle, the nations leader in the field of infant health and survival.
For more information about this event, please contact Heather Lerner by phone (608-609-7201
) or email (events at Click the address or map above to go to a Google Maps view of the event.
Premier sponsors: