Whether you are shopping locally or going out of town,
Here's how to find the perfect place to shop...
I love this website.
Whenever I am traveling to a new city or wanting to try somewhere new at home,
I log onto http://www.storeadore.com
I plug in where I'm going and what I'm looking for. Then, I print out my list and off I go.
Along with detailed shopping info, they have an informative blog, discounts and contests, and a community to read and leave comments.
Meredith Barnett (former editor of Lucky Mag) and Cristina Miller, best friends and avid shoppers, created this fabulous site. With all the great information on this user friendly site, you will find what you want in no time; but this site is so much fun you may not want to leave. They have become the go-to girls for great finds. StoreAdore is the mapquest for shopping.