Why do my favorite product get discontinued and phased out? WHY?
Many people take it as an opportunity to break out of their rut and try something new. I truly believe that is a very good idea. It is important to periodically change your products(i.e. lip colors and eyes shadow colors) to keep yourself fresh.
Except when it comes to my Frederick Fekkai Finishing Polish! I love this product! It's right up there with double sided tape and creamy hand lotion.
I decided not to move on, but to search to the ends of the earth for this product. There must be overstock somewhere......
I began to surf the Internet -I found it!
I went to http://www.shopping.msn.com/, which then led me to http://www.fragrancex.com/.
Prior to this I found my favorite perfume(which had also been discontinued) on http://www.overstock.com/. Caution-check the expiration date on perfumes and cosmetics, they do have a shelf life.